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Swantje Krüger


Working with us since 2019

Specialties: A1-B2, Medical Dutch, Civic Integration

I am Swantje Krüger. My first name is Dutch and my last name is German.  And so am I! I was born in Germany, and lived there until I decided to study at the University of Utrecht. I’m living in the Netherlands ever since – for almost 25 years now. I moved in 2002 from Utrecht to Maastricht, where I live together with my Dutch husband and my South African children.


Since a couple of years I work with and teach refugees, school kids, students and expats at all levels between A0 and B2: reading, listening, writing and above all, speaking Dutch.


Although speaking Dutch is not that easy for everyone, it is great fun to make progress and it is absolutely necessary as a key to integration (Inburgering), to feel at home and to be able to work in The Netherlands. As a non-native speaker I experienced that myself and I found myself more and more enthusiastic about the Dutch language and all its particularities.


Everyday again, I’m excited to meet new people in the courses and to listen to their stories and biographies, and to help them discover the Dutch language.

Swantje Krüger

What our students say

  • Swaantje is an amazing teacher. Very specific, patient, gives us a chance to find the answer ourselfs. By not rushing us, she gives us a feeling of selfconfidence. I am very grateful I have her as a teacher.

  • Everything was great! Swantje was super helpful and patient and understanding!Mijn favoriete docent is absoluut Swantje, omdat ze ervaring heeft met lesgeven aan vluchtelingen.(ook met iemand die analfabeet is of leerstoornissen heeft.

  • I took course B1 part 1 with Swantje, and it was perfect! The teacher is enthusiastic.

  • De lessen met Swantje zijn begonnen als spelenderwijs leren, maar in korte tijd hebben we al lange medische zinnen en presentaties samengesteld. Ik zou Swantje aanraden als een goede keuze voor iedereen die zijn Nederlandse taal wil tot perfectie brengen. Ik ben erg blij dat ik de cursus Medisch Nederlands van Swantje heb gevolgd: basis en foutloos Nederlands in één !

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